Nourished Daily Omega+Updated 10 months ago
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✅ Supports insulin-resistant PCOS: Studies have indicated that high-quality fish oil is effective in improving insulin resistance✅ Period pain relief: Omega-3 is useful in reducing period pain due to its powerful anti-inflammatory actions. A recent double-blind trial showed omega-3 supplementation was more powerful in reducing period pain than ibuprofen ✅ Supports fertility: Omega-3 may support fertility by regulating hormone production in the body as well as increasing cervical mucus production, promoting ovulation, and improving egg quality.✅ Acne support: The anti-inflammatory actions of Omega-3 may help to reduce acne and improve overall skin health ✅ Supports mental health and mood: Omega-3 is a major building block of the brain and helps to improve memory and brain function. It also promotes a healthy and stable mood.